Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Year Ago

A year ago today I found out I was pregnant with little Miss August. I'll never forget that night! Mark & I had just left a Christmas party at my parent's house. I had been feeling off for a few days. So, to put my mind at ease we stopped by CVS to pick up a pregnancy test. I chugged a bottle of water on the ride home & pee'd on the stick as soon as I was inside. My period wasn't due for 4 days so I figured it was probably a waste of $15.. But, almost instantly two lines showed up. I started crying and said the "oh my god" 100 times in 30 seconds. Mark & I always planned on babies just not so soon! Needless to say - Mark was the happiest guy in the world. Then, he proceeded to tell 2376238723 people on World of Warcraft that he was going to be a daddy!


  1. Thank you thank you thank you for commenting on my blog!!! =) Your daughter is ADORABLE!!!

  2. You're welcome! I am always happy to help when someone wants to go veg :]
