Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today is my 24th birthday, Beau's 5th, & my Grandma's 85th. I get a little sad when this day rolls around each year. I share this day with two people I love every much, & let's face it - my grandma is getting up there, and big dogs don't live very long. :[ So here's hoping to at least another 10 years with the both of them! Happy birthday ♥


  1. Happy birthday!!! to all three of you! :] Beau looks so cute in his hat & you look radiant as ever, Miss Nina. :]

    It's so awesome that you share a birthday with Beau boy. Apollo shares a b-day with my mum. :]

  2. Thanks!! Beau didn't like his hat very much, but I made up for it with lots of birthday treats.
