Monday, December 14, 2009


I've been looking into taking classes (besides yoga) with August. There is a Mommy & Me program through the school district- which I hear is great. The only problem is during the second half of the class we separate from the babies for parent discussion. August can be a handful & I really really really don't feel comfortable leaving her just yet. Maybe we could just skip out on the discussion part. Hmmm.

OR - A better option for us could be My Gym or Gymboree. Classes are much shorter (45 minutes) & more expensive. But, you never leave your baby! HUGE plus for me & worth the extra cash in my eyes.

Why would anyone want to be away from this cutie pie?!


  1. Gosh, she looks so much like you! So pretty. :]

  2. Really? Yay!! Everyone always says she looks like Mark.
