Sunday, December 27, 2009

4 Months!

My baby is 4 months old today! So unbelievable. Much has changed in the last month. There are no more cute baby coos in this house, August is quite into yelling these days. She also started making a "HA" sound. She was HA-ing so much that at first I thought she was getting a cough! Silly girl.

At her checkup she 24 inches & weighed 14 pounds 14 oz! The pediatrician always comments on how strong Aug is, & that she very well could be crawling by 6 months... Scary!

I fall more & more in love every day. My baby is so beautiful.


  1. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous and adorable!! I hope you had a great first christmas with her :) Warm holiday wishes to you and your little family!

  2. Thanks Amanda.. We had a blast! Happy New Year!

  3. Our daughter is four months and she's suddenly into shrieking, no more coos for us either! Glad to know we're not alone!
