Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Battle Of The Sippy Cups!

August - 3
Sippy Cup - 0

August needs to be taking a bottle or cup by March 7th. I have to go on site to edit for the Oscars.

I am so stressed over this.

The bottle ruins her day every time I try, so I thought I'd give sippy cups a go. We've tried 3 different cups.. still nada.


  1. Not sure if you have ever tried this but on the advice of a lactation consultant I tried giving Noah some pumped milk out of a cup- straight up like that. Noah was refusing the bottle and she suggested that babies can often just drinks straight from a cup (obviously with help and with a bib, b/c there will be a lot of spills). She then went on to say that if he can drink from a cup, try giving a sippy cup without the valve (the plastic part that stops the liquid from coming out). She said to just carefully tilt it back and help control how much he gets with each sip....it maybe worth a try. Good luck!

  2. She'll probably surprise you and start taking a bottle the day before.
