Saturday, February 27, 2010

6 Months!

My little Auggie.. You are six months old today!! HALF A YEAR! Incredible.

  • Breastfeed for 6 months! Not a drop of formula. You love the boob so much you won't take a bottle or a sippy cup. I am half way to my goal of breastfeeding you for at least one year.
  • Co-sleeping - You sleep in between Daddy & I every night. We love having you so close.
  • Babywearing - You'd live in your slings all day if we'd let you. The beco is the carrier of choice lately.
  • You roll ALL OVER the place. You're starting to army crawl, too!
  • You're getting better at sitting every day. You want to keep trying, even though you tumble over quite a bit.
  • You're so in love with Beau dog. You laugh at every thing he does & want nothing more than to pull on his face & eat him.
  • Books are your new favorite thing. You squeal the whole time we read to you.
  • You're AWESOME, FUNNY, & so much fun! You make us laugh every day. We love you so much.

6 Months Stats

Weight - 18 pounds (90th percentile)
Height - 26 inchs (60th percentile)
Head - 42 cm (40th percentile)

August gained 3 pounds in two months.. She is thriving so well off of the boob the pediatrician said no rush on starting solids. Awesome doctor or what?!


  1. happy 6 months on earth baby August!

  2. Happy 6 months August! Awesome parents make awesome babies!

  3. Definitely a great doctor. I had a nurse practitioner tell me the same thing when my son was that age. It's a great feeling.

    These photos are so beautiful!
