Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 Months

August - You are more awesome than ever! Even, if you still wake up four times a night for boob, & cry every time I walk out of the room.

What's been up the past month..
  • Your first cold. Almost 8 months sickness free.
  • Hating your car seat. You have been crying almost every time we drive for the past two weeks. I can't touch your face in the new seat.. so YOU FREAK OUT!
  • Two teeth!
  • Still army crawling.. faster than ever.
  • Still not into solids.
  • STILL the most perfect 20 & a half pounds of chubs in the world.


  1. Noah wakes up for boob at least 4 times a night too! sheeeesh! and army crawls and has 2 teeth two! August and Noah should totally date...or have a play date...that's if we loved close....but we don't...so that kinda sucks :o)

  2. haha i know! i was thinking the same thing when i read your 8 month post.

    can noah please email august & tell her to love food as much as he does?! thanks ;]

  3. Happy 8 months!

    (I am sorry to report that Ava at 14 months still wakes up 4 times [plus] to nurse)
