Sunday, December 27, 2009

4 Months!

My baby is 4 months old today! So unbelievable. Much has changed in the last month. There are no more cute baby coos in this house, August is quite into yelling these days. She also started making a "HA" sound. She was HA-ing so much that at first I thought she was getting a cough! Silly girl.

At her checkup she 24 inches & weighed 14 pounds 14 oz! The pediatrician always comments on how strong Aug is, & that she very well could be crawling by 6 months... Scary!

I fall more & more in love every day. My baby is so beautiful.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

& My Santa Baby!

I am so excited to celebrate August's first Christmas! Even though she has no idea what Christmas is we are going to make it a special one & start some traditions. We are going to take a picture of August in a Santa hat & buy her an ornament every year.

Here is my Santa baby & her first ornament.. which totally looks like her! So perfect.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Beau dog didn't seem to care too much for Aug in her first two months of life. Now that she is getting a little older he is so into her! It is the cutest thing ever. Whenever we are playing on the floor he lays next to her, & gives her the sweetest little kisses. Mark & I can't wait for August to crawl, the real fun will began then!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Year Ago

A year ago today I found out I was pregnant with little Miss August. I'll never forget that night! Mark & I had just left a Christmas party at my parent's house. I had been feeling off for a few days. So, to put my mind at ease we stopped by CVS to pick up a pregnancy test. I chugged a bottle of water on the ride home & pee'd on the stick as soon as I was inside. My period wasn't due for 4 days so I figured it was probably a waste of $15.. But, almost instantly two lines showed up. I started crying and said the "oh my god" 100 times in 30 seconds. Mark & I always planned on babies just not so soon! Needless to say - Mark was the happiest guy in the world. Then, he proceeded to tell 2376238723 people on World of Warcraft that he was going to be a daddy!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Stormy ate a hole in my Moby Wrap. What is wrong with my cat? I wish I could be her for just one day to understand what goes through her head! SHE IS SO WEIRD!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Help-Portrait Day

Last Saturday was the Help-Portrait event. It rains like one day a year in SO CAL, and it had to be the day of the event. Bummer! The rain did slow us down a bit, but we still had over 80 volunteers! & we photographed 40 families! It was very touching to be apart of this. Can't wait for next year!

you can see Mark's smiley face at 1:06 SO CUTE.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Book!

I just came across the cutest baby book at! It is so perfect. It even matches Aug's room. I must have it!!


I've been looking into taking classes (besides yoga) with August. There is a Mommy & Me program through the school district- which I hear is great. The only problem is during the second half of the class we separate from the babies for parent discussion. August can be a handful & I really really really don't feel comfortable leaving her just yet. Maybe we could just skip out on the discussion part. Hmmm.

OR - A better option for us could be My Gym or Gymboree. Classes are much shorter (45 minutes) & more expensive. But, you never leave your baby! HUGE plus for me & worth the extra cash in my eyes.

Why would anyone want to be away from this cutie pie?!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Daddy's Gonna Get You


Today is my 24th birthday, Beau's 5th, & my Grandma's 85th. I get a little sad when this day rolls around each year. I share this day with two people I love every much, & let's face it - my grandma is getting up there, and big dogs don't live very long. :[ So here's hoping to at least another 10 years with the both of them! Happy birthday ♥

Monday, December 7, 2009


Mark, August, and I will be at Help-Portrait LA this Saturday. Mark will be shooting from 12:30 to 2:30. Come by, say hello, and get your picture taken... our gift to you this holiday season.

Friday, December 4, 2009


August's first Thanksgiving was a busy one. Mark & I both have lots of family, we attempted to visit them all on the holidays. Our day went like this - breakfast at my parent's house, afternoon with Mark's family, evening at my brother's with my family, and last we stopped at our friend Kc's house to say hello. Food coma? OH YES!

@ Mark's Grandparent's house

Between unfamiliar faces wanting to hold Aug, hardly any naps, and lots of time in that damn car seat she hates so much, my little babes was beyond exhausted. She ended up sleeping for 12 hours that night, and napped most of the following afternoon.

We will be making the same rounds on Christmas Eve & Day.. Yikes!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Little Things

This morning I was able to clean house, edit film (work), & shower all before Aug woke up! A shower before noon always means a good day.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Post Tub Time

August loves bath time! So much that she used to scream her face off when her bath was over. Silly girl! We're glad to be past that phase, & have a happy baby post bath.


My little brother Jeff got pulled over for going 35 in a 25 on Friday night. He was arrested for having a deadly weapon in his truck. You know what that deadly weapon was? A mini baseball bat he bought at a Dodgers game. Jeff has been in jail since Friday & will remain in jail until his court date tomorrow morning.

So sad to think that my brother has to spend another night in jail. My heart breaks for him.

You may think there has to be something else to this story, but nope! He also has NO previous criminal record, never been in any sort of trouble. So unbelievable! No wonder the department is under FBI investigation.

Friday, November 27, 2009

3 Months!

Dear Aug-

You are 3 months old today. Daddy & I can't believe what a big girl you are! You're pushing 13, maybe even 14 pounds. You have been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks now. You definitely have your daddy's sleeping habits- sleeping anywhere between 8 to 11 hours straight! I can't wait for you to wake up most mornings.. Mama's boobs can hardly handle so much sleep! You've rolled over once, belly laughed, and "talk" like a mad woman. We're so amazed. You make us so happy.

Hello August!

I am finally making the jump into the land of family blogging! Happy reading.