You rolled from back to belly twice tonight!! It sounded like a football game was going on in your room.. Daddy & I were cheering so loud. You still haven't rolled from tummy to back, though! Silly girl. LOVE YOU!
So far, I have photoshopped close to 1200 images this weekend. 500 red carpet photos from the Golden Globes that I flew through. Now, it is onto the after parties!
Over New Years weekend we had our friends Matt & Kelly staying with us from Wyoming. The weather was beyond perfect here so we headed to Ventura beach to enjoy the sunshine. This was Aug's first trip to the beach. She was asleep on me in the sling the majority of the time.. BEST DAY EVER in Aug's eyes. She loves her sling. Matt & Kelly
Mark went to his tattoo appointment planning on working on a piece on his ribs, but he came home with a portrait of August instead! Tattoo is by Mark's cousin Jason. He is such an incredible artist.. Kat Von D better watch out!
I am having such a blast with my 365 project of August. I look forward to taking her photo every day. This project has really got me motivated to start working on my photography again & if I ever find the time I want to update Mark & I's website.. possibly shoot a wedding or two this summer. As if I don't already have enough on my plate! 365 project is updated daily on my FLICKR
I don't understand why most insurances companies will not cover a homeopathic doctor. Our insurance company covered the $225 to see a pediatrician we didn't end up liking, yet they won't cover our homeopathic doctor's cost of $125 a visit!
Just like they will dish out thousands of dollars for a hospital birth, yet they won't cover a home birth!
August's first Christmas was wonderful! We made 3 stops on Christmas Eve & 4 on Christmas Day. I kept the Moby on at all times.. whenever she got fussy into the wrap she went & all was well!
August made out like a bandit in the gift department. We went from needing to go clothes shopping, to having so much new clothes that she will probably grow before she wears them all. Awesome!
I think Mark and I can both agree that August has brought the joy back into Christmas for us! Best Christmas yet!
I love the hoildays but I so happy they are over! We are finally getting back into the groove of things. I am still exhausted and look forward to Aug's afternoon nap every day so I can crash with her.
Mark, Aug, and I had a nice night at home - In-N-Out for dinner, George Lopez on Nick at Nite, and a little Call Of Duty & about a quarter of a glass of wine after the Aug Monster went to bed.
2010 is going to have a hell of a time matching 2009! Goals for the new year - road trip, yoga more, 365 photo project, and make Mark a vegetarian.